Monday 13 January 2014


Far-far there lived a King with his Queen and his one and only daughter Isabella. She was a very happy child; she used to laugh a lot for even a small thing. One day as she was laughing the King asked her “Bella, what’s so funny and why are you laughing too much?” This broke the little heart and from that day on she stopped laughing, not even a smile. The kingdom, the gardens, the birds missed her smile. She was all gloomy from then. This made the King very sad. He apologized for what he said and pleaded her to smile. But she never smiled. The autumn, the winter, the spring missed her smile. The King couldn’t bear this; he tried his best to bring back the smile in her face. It was all in vine. At last he decided and proclaimed that if anyone in his kingdom brings back his daughters smile will be rewarded.   This announcement was carried each and every ends of the kingdom. So people came and tried their best to make her smile, even the jokers failed.
Now it was the turn of a young man who dressed as an old man with a big tummy n big beard. As he was about to perform, his beard fell down and as he was trying to take it, his tummy, the big pillow came loose and fell down. While seeing this Bella burst out in laughter and couldn’t stop. The King was surprised to see this and was very happy. He rewarded the young man with bags of gold. The Kingdom got back its smile.
The End.

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